

zones, trigger

Sets the angle the player is looking towards when teleporting to the start zone. Takes in yaw in degrees or uses your current looking angle. Usage Examples # mom_zone_start_setlook Uses the yaw of your current looking angle. mom_zone_start_setlook 10 Uses the yaw of 10 degrees.


zones, trigger, stage, checkpoint, stop, start

Changes the type of zone to be created when using mom_zone_mark / mom_zone_create . “auto” - Creates a start zone unless one already exists, in which case an end zone is created. “start” - Start zone. “end” - End zone. “stage” - Stage zone. “checkpoint” - Checkpoint zone.


trigger, player, TF2

A trigger volume that launches the player at a specified speed towards a target or in a direction. This entity also contains some filtering for the players velocity and entry angle. Keyvalues # Player speed (playerspeed<float>) Speed at which to launch the players (u/sec). Default is 450. Physics speed (physicsspeed<float>) Speed at which to launch physics objects (u/sec). Default is 450. Use threshold check (useThresholdCheck<integer>) Turns on filtering based on the player’s speed and entry angle when interacting with the entity. ...


trigger, player, map, ahop, bhop, limit, restrict, movement

Trigger that prevents the player from doing specific keypress movements. Keyvalue # Track Number (track_number<integer>) The track that this trigger belongs to: -1: All Tracks 0: Main Map 1+: Bonus Tracks Flags # Prevent the player from moving forward (8192) (Disabled by default) Prevent the player from moving to the left (16384) (Disabled by default) Prevent the player from moving to the right (32768) (Disabled by default) Prevent the player from moving backward (65536) ...


trigger, map, bhop, player

Trigger that allows for multiple hops inside of it, and teleports the player if they stay inside for longer than the hold time. Keyvalues # Remote Destination (target<target_destination>) The entity specifying the point to which the player should be teleported. Local Destination Landmark (landmark<target_destination>) When “Teleport mode” is “Landmark teleport”, teleported entities are offset from the target by their initial offset from the landmark (this entity). Velocity Scale Factor (X Y Z) (velocityscale<vector>) ...


player, map, track, trigger

Trigger that teleports the player after only one entry, or if they stay inside for longer than the hold time. Keyvalues # Remote Destination (target<target_destination>) The entity specifying the point to which the player should be teleported. Local Destination Landmark (landmark<target_destination>) When “Teleport mode” is “Landmark teleport”, teleported entities are offset from the target by their initial offset from the landmark (this entity). Velocity Scale Factor (X Y Z) (velocityscale<vector>) ...