
func, trigger, TF2, limit, explosion, rocket jump, sticky jump, conc

Rockets, stickybombs, conc grenades, and other explosives will not detonate/explode inside this area. Keyvalues # Explosive prevention method (explosion_prevention_type<choices>) Determines the method of explosive prevention. 0: “[Default] Fizzle explosives upon detonation. This is the TF2 default.” 1: “Fizzle only airborne (handheld concs included) explosives upon detonation.” 2: “Fizzle upon landing instead of on attempted detonation.” 3: “Fizzle explosive immediately upon it entering the trigger.”


explosion, TF2, point entity

Generic Bomb Keyvalues # Explosion Damage (damage<float>) Amount of damage to do when exploding. The default value is 50. Explosion Radius (radius<float>) Explosion radius. The default value is 100. Health (health<integer>) Health of the bomb. The default value is 1. Explosion Sound (sound<sound>) Name of the sound effect to play when exploding. Input # input Detonate(void) Force detonation. Output # OnDetonate(void) Fired when this bomb detonates.


trigger, player, TF2

A trigger volume that launches the player at a specified speed towards a target or in a direction. This entity also contains some filtering for the players velocity and entry angle. Keyvalues # Player speed (playerspeed<float>) Speed at which to launch the players (u/sec). Default is 450. Physics speed (physicsspeed<float>) Speed at which to launch physics objects (u/sec). Default is 450. Use threshold check (useThresholdCheck<integer>) Turns on filtering based on the player’s speed and entry angle when interacting with the entity. ...